
Wrinkly feline project constructed using Pixologic ZBrush 4 and The Foundry modo 701 in 2013:

Wrinkly snout vaguely reminiscent of a sphynx kitty.
Wrinkles vaguely reminiscent of those of a sphynx kitty.

(The human-headed, lion-limbed, mythological desert beast fond of riddles is a Sphinx. The kind that meows is probably a Sphynx.)

Fuzzy papier mâché cat snout.
Fuzzy papier mâché cat snout.

Originating as a sphere in ZBrush, the kitty model grew increasingly detailed with sculpting techniques and DynaMesh topology tools.  Unrefined ZBrush geometry can become dense, inefficient, and extermely slow.  Fortunately, ZBrush offers various utilities to drastically simplify mesh information without sacrificing surface detail.

This project employed the process of subdivision re-projection and 32-bit displacement maps.

ZBrush mesh at its highest subdivision level.
ZBrush mesh at its highest subdivision level.
ZBrush mesh with displacement enabled.
ZBrush mesh with displacement enabled.
ZBrush mesh at its lowest subdivision level.
ZBrush mesh at its lowest subdivision level.
A fuzzy ear's subsurface scattering.
A fuzzy ear’s subsurface scattering.
Veins locked into place using modo's UV editor.
Veins locked into place using modo’s UV editor.

The cat’s yellow eye color and texture originate from a manipulated image of a human iris.

Yellow iris texture map in Pixelmator.
Yellow iris texture map in Pixelmator.

morph map in modo controls the eye’s level of pupil dilation.

Stretchable iris geometry.
Stretchable iris geometry.

A spherical magnet deformer gently squishes geometry out of the way, carving out a comfy socket for the eyeball.  This allows the eye geometry to swivel around without intersecting with other meshes.

A magnet deformer helps the eyeball geometry fit neatly into its socket.
A magnet deformer helps the eyeball geometry fit neatly into its socket.

The eyes remain synchronized to each other using channel links.  Morph maps and linked deformers ensure that the surrounding facial tissue stretches and slides as the eyes move.

Eyeball motion linked together using modo's schematic panel.
Eyeball motion linked together using modo’s schematic panel.

A simple facial rig provides a limited range of motion to the jaw, ears, and neck.

Jay "Winslow" Petronis is a graphic designer and administrator for architecture consulting firm Architectural Research Consultants, Incorporated. Occasional contributor and illustrator for production facility Cyzor Design GmbH. Once walked away from a taco stand muttering, "That place smells of corn."