SNL Foundation Diagram

Sandia National Laboratories logo.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) is one of the world’s leading nuclear and energy research facilities.  This 2014 ARC diagram was part of SNL’s Five-Year Facilities and Infrastructure Plan (FY 2015-2019), and attempted to visually describe the labs’ organizational framework.

SNL Foundation multi-colored slabs.
SNL foundation multi-colored slab diagram.
SNL Foundation monotone slabs.
SNL foundation cylindrical slab diagram variation.

Cleaner, simpler quasi-isometric design alternative using Adobe Illustrator:

Multi-colored isometric blocks.
SNL diagram with an isometric design.

Two-dimensional diagram version from The Omni Group’s OmniGraffle design application.

OmniGraffle Lab Foundation Diagram
2D OmniGraffle version.

Three-dimensional variations of the diagram used weight containers and deformers within The Foundry’s modo application.  In modo, a weight container specifies which of an object’s polygons are susceptible to effects like squishing and twisting.  The nodes in this Modo schematic view depict the strength and range of some twist and bulge deformer effects.

The Foundry relational node schematic.
Schematic view in modo.

Once wired together, polygons within a weight container (depicted in red below) will bulge and twist more readily than other polygons.  Such effects can be animated over time and are non-destructive, making it easy to revert the source geometry back to its original rest state.

The Foundry Modo weighted rotational deformer at 0°.
The Foundry Modo weighted rotational deformer at 0°.
The Foundry Modo weighted rotational deformer at 600°.
The Foundry Modo weighted twist deformer with a spiral intensity of 600°.

In the end, SNL strategic planners decided to stick with their existing in-house diagram:

Original SNL strategic framework diagram.
Original SNL strategic framework diagram.
Jay "Winslow" Petronis is a graphic designer and administrator for architecture consulting firm Architectural Research Consultants, Incorporated. Occasional contributor and illustrator for production facility Cyzor Design GmbH. Once walked away from a taco stand muttering, "That place smells of corn."